Personal details

Date of birth*

Thesis details

E.g. School of Economics, School of Chemistry, School of Computer Science, Sydney Dental School
Intended thesis submission date*
Are you a Cotutelle student?*
Have you been asked to revise and resubmit your thesis?*
Does your thesis include confidential or restricted information, such as commercial-in-confidence material or content subject to privacy legislation?*
If not already approved, after your examination will your thesis content require an embargo?*
Is your thesis written in a language other than English?*
Are you required to participate in an oral examination?*
You are required to provide a .pdf copy of your thesis electronically. Will you also need to submit alternative file formats as part of your thesis such as video or audio files?*
Will your examination include an exhibition of artwork or a recital?*
If you have a preference for particular examiners, please list their names. Please note the final decision will be made by the University.